Home Care Jobs, Live-in Care Solutions, and Classified Ads for Carers

24-hour home care

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View the latest 1 results / job ads (job offers, job ads, vacancies, mini jobs)

Liz D. Y35DN88, Wexford IE
Looking for help with 24h care for my mam. Diagnosed dementia.

Hello, I am looking for a senior caregiver to help a family with their mam in her home.

Are you looking for home care solutions? Or want to find a job as carer?

Find a caregiver (or caregiver job) in just 3 easy steps that take less than 5 minutes.
  1. Select the desired household-related service.
  2. Answer the questions to let us know what you need.
  3. Get in touch with carers or clients in your area.
  4. Make a decision whether to offer or accept the care position.