Dementia & Alzheimer’s Support
Dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease presentation
Are you taking care of a person with dementia? Then you bear a great responsibility, because caring requires a huge amount of strength, patience and empathy
Over time, your relative will probably need more help. Live-in-Care (LIC) will assist you with this. In this article you will find, for example, activities that you may implement in everyday life if you live with a person with dementia.
Emily Murphy is more and more frequently looking for her glasses. Sometimes she finds them in the fridge or between the towels in the chest of drawers. “You put them there,” her daughter says. She is wondering and anxiously asking herself if her mother suffers from dementia. Age-related dementia, Alzheimer’s or sclerosis – there are many popular names for the diseases that mainly affect the elderly. Behind them are various forms of dementia. The term “dementia” comes from Latin and means “far from the mind.” In fact, dementia is a loss of mental capacity. It occurs due to changes or brain damage, which may occur due to various reasons. As the disease was previously thought to be caused by deposits in the body, people with dementia were also called “sclerosing.” Read more